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So far improvetrail has created 37 blog entries.

Cohort of patients with aneurysm rupture: Clinical details analysis plan


Cohort of patients with aneurysm rupture: Clinical details analysis plan

Here we select from this large cohort of patients, those with ruptured or symptomatic abdominal aortic aneurysm for separate analyses, designed to provide insight into improving future patient care.

Cohort of patients with aneurysm rupture: Clinical details analysis plan2017-03-06T15:07:47+00:00

Statistical analysis plan for morphological analyses


Statistical analysis plan for morphological analyses

This document details a statistical analysis plan for a set of analyses to investigate the association between six morphological features of ruptured abdominal aortic aneurysm (rAAA) and 30-day outcomes in patients randomised to the IMPROVE trial. 

Statistical analysis plan for morphological analyses2017-03-06T15:06:26+00:00

Ruptured aneurysm trials Individual Patient Data meta-analysis statistical analysis plan


Ruptured aneurysm trials Individual Patient Data meta-analysis statistical analysis plan

This document provides the statistical analysis plans for the individual patient data (IPD) metaanalyses
of the trials reported to date: AJAX, ECAR and IMPROVE trials.

Ruptured aneurysm trials Individual Patient Data meta-analysis statistical analysis plan2017-03-06T15:02:55+00:00
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